Sunday, October 25, 2015


Solitaire .....simplicity...

I have played to game, solitaire, for as long as I can remember, first with a deck of cards and  later with a is not an addiction, but a mind challenge like scrabble and I don't play it all the time...

As an only child, there was not always a playmate around to pass the time, so I had lots of games by myself.  Solitaire was one. I learned to play it in doubles as well with grandparents and others on cold, wet, rainy days where we lived..or warm late nights..a deck of cards went with us on trips or camp outs...we played canasta, rummy, war, fish, old maid, hearts, and pinnacle sometimes...I remember as a small child, my parents would bundle me up and we would visit their friends, we children played and then were put down to sleep, and they would play pinnacle long into the night, laughing, visiting as we children slept nearby.  A simple entertainment for all...those friends lasted a lifetime...

We taught and played games with our children as well, scrabble, monopoly, Chinese checkers, clue, uno, Dutch Blitz, phase 10, hi hi cheerio, battleship .....they learned to count, strategize, take turns, lose/win graciously and visit over those my grandchildren are doing the same things...some games are easy to visit over and others are need concentration...whatever the mood fits...

Simple entertainment, learning from one another, and learning about one another as well...those who can lose graciously and ones who have to win ...those who play for fun and those who are out for "blood"... Those who are strategic and those  for the enjoyment of being around can tell us a lot...

2 Samuel 11:1a In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. .....

This verse has intrigued is like a "game" of war.. They had a time for war..better weather, rested over the winter...whatever...they made it sound simple...something you played our family games..but it wasn't wasn't a social event or something to pass the time...or had a purpose...

Thank YOU for the games we play, the simplicity of getting to know others with their games...their attitudes, Likes and disLikes...You are there with us, sharing life...

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