Saturday, October 24, 2015

Long range....

Long range ....

Reading through 1 Samuel 1 and 2, after working on estate stuff, God just brought to mind thoughts of land range ripples, plans, that events trigger...

-A child with special needs bringing joy and closeness  to a dysfunctional family...

-A husband with addiction issues, bringing about an entire ministry to others with similar problems..

-a diving accident changing the life of a young woman who ministers to the world....

- support groups and people helping others because of a suicide  or war, or miscarriages, or overeating or alcoholism or etc, etc..etc...

- a police officer shot leads to counseling others with  like experiences...

-a short term mission leading to long term missions...

-abandonment leads to orphanage building...

-deaths of family members spurring on new visions, new ministries, new learning...

Hannah prayed for a son, but God was preparing a priest or leader...He saw and knew the long range ....

It just struck my heart, again, how God uses big and little events in our lives to further His Kingdom....we, hopefully, can look back on our lives and see the "when and thens"..." When  this happened , then this came about".

I had to weep and ask God, "what am I doing to enlarge His Kingdom? What is the long range? Am I missing something? Am I too caught up in the present that I cannot see the good for the future? What is God  using in my life effect His Kingdom? Am I doing what He has for me to do?

And I can see changes in my family after the deaths of their grandparents and father...their decision making is matured...their giving is amazing...our lives, even missing our loved ones, have changed and grown...our horizons have broadened...our faith has grown...Thank YOU, God for seeing the long range through pain and helping us to reach for You...

1 Samuel 1 and 2
Philippians 1:6

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