Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Wonders never cease….

 The wonder never ceases…

And boom, it is over….the tree stands bare of gifts, the stockings which were hung with care are left empty, wrappings balled up for the trash, dishes to unload from the dishwasher, leftovers fill the refrigerator, toys and gifts strewn around…the company has left…

Mary probably had a sleepless night getting up every 2-3 hours to feed this miracle baby….the angels have made their appearance and left…the shepherds went back to their flock after reporting about town of their discovery and news…maybe a few guests make their way to the stable to see if the shepherds were telling the truth….

Now Joseph and Mary must report for the census…the “real” reason they find themselves in this little town…I wonder if they found a temporary home until going to the city of Jerusalem…or did they stay at the inn’s stable…it doesn’t really say…but, it is about  4 and 1/2  miles… (25 minutes by bus😊 )….

But, about 8 days of silence about this miracle child…I imagine Joseph and Mary cuddled him, counted his toes and fingers, looked into his eyes with wonder…cared for him, sang songs/lullabies….loved him as new parents do…maybe wondered what would come next… what would he be like from here on …this gift to them and to the world…how would he be different from the neighbor’s children…wonders in a tiny baby…

We can read the story now…but for them, they were  part of the story and didn’t  have the hind sight that we do…It was all new…

Thank YOU…

Hebrew lullaby…


Jewish songs for babies…


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