Sunday, September 12, 2021

Plane to plane….

 From Plane to plane ….

I have had the honor, privilege to meet with two Christian organizations this week, a  Jesus Film representative and attend a Mission Aviation Fellowship three day meeting….I love to hear their stories of how God is working worldwide, how Christians are working together bringing the 

Word of God to all people, “to the end of the earth”…

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Acts 1:8 

But, my imagination ran a little further…a plane was retired and a new plane was dedicated at the MAF meeting, reports shared, stories told, prayers prayed, songs sung, a movie aired, tears shed, planes flown, meals spread, light shown and then it was over…but not really….

Hearts were singing, humbled as another year of learning, growth has finished and and a new one begun…

My mind kept going back to those two planes …the retiring one and new one…if they could talk, what would they say…if they had souls, breath, hearts…what would they share…thinking of 2 Timothy where Paul encourages Timothy in his ministry as a father to a son, mentor to a mentee…older to the younger…

don’t be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord..

Join me in suffering 


For God’s purpose and grace

Sound teaching 

Be strong in the Grace that is in Christ Jesus


Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved

Useful, prepared for any good work


Avoid bad teaching 

Expect persecution 

Equipped for every good work….

Words of life like sacrificial, ministry, leadership, make a difference, 

Tireless, mercy, hope…all of these and more describe the people who work with these planes…but if these planes had breath…that would describe them as well…

They as well as the people who fly them, need care, maintenance, fuel, guidance, encouragement, support, love, prayer…

If the planes could talk, would they rejoice with each successful flight, cheer  at the solo flights of new pilots, mourn or feel pain when crashed, stand in jubilation at the transporting of new Bibles or life saving events, 

encourage one another in the hangers…

In the pictures shared, the new movie…the smiles on the people’s faces, the pilots hugs and encouragements to the villages….the plane  stood in the background seemingly to take on that glow of satisfaction as well…a job well done…good and faithful servants…another tool in the tool chest  of God…

Thank YOU…

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