Monday, September 20, 2021

Pathways…maps…minor prophets…

 Pathways….maps…minor prophets…

Several years ago, one of my daughters volunteered to teach a boys class at their coop. One exercise was reading maps…low and behold a majority didn’t know how…

They didn’t have to…a phone told you where to go…so needless to say…a lesson on map reading was pursued…just making their way around the building they were using was a big lesson in map reading and then they expanded elsewhere…

My children were brought up around maps of all kinds, topo, geology, atlases, global, road, timelines, architectural plans…paper ones that you spread out and studied…

I am reading through the “minor” prophets after the major ones…a timeline/map for me is needed…some  fit back into the books of Kings and Chronicles, pre and post captivity …they don’t neatly fit after the major prophets…they are tucked here and there, speaking to different people…different messages, different personalities…different teaching methods…

They speak of judgment, redemption, love, wrath, obedience, disobedience, yearning, wars, comfort, pictures of things to come, etc….

So much “meat” in each one…


Jonah repeats…sent..ran away, three days in the whale…..sent, goes, three days walking …then God’s sovereignty over all…

Hosea marries a prostitute, pictures Israel’s prostitution, Gods love through it all…

And so much more…

Thank YOU…

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