Thursday, September 23, 2021

Armchair traveler…

Armchair traveler….

It is the first day of autumn…can’t believe this year has only three months left…summer was almost skipped…too smoky or too hot to walk outside, missed my “gardens along the way”…

I camped a couple of times, took two  one-week long trips, went to a local conference, not as many as usual…the world has changed…with one small exploding virus, world turmoil…not as many photos, comparatively speaking to past years…

Have found a few sites and I know there are many more…to travel from my armchair….

Several travel companies are adding videos to their sites to explore the world

National Geographic 


That the world may know …videos of the Holy Land

Wayne Stiles has a site for the Holy Land as well….

Samantha Browns places to love

Great Australian Railroads


Places around our valleys and homes, museums, unique spots…

 Back alleys to see history of buildings…

The list goes on…

So instead I travelled through the Old Testament…from creation, a word spoke everything into being-quite the trip…to Abraham, Moses’,  Noah’s travels…through deserts, promised lands, wars, blessings, rise and fall of nation after nation, judgments, promises, drama, comforting, praises, curses….applications to current daily life from words written thousands of years ago…people, big and small, famous and behind the scenes…images of far away places, exotic and everyday life…ancient news/life that feels like today…

So much….most worthy of reading, delving into, traveling with, meditating upon…asking what does this have to do with now or what is God teaching me through these “travels”…

Are there favorite vistas along these travels? Each stopping spot has a view that is special…a time to sit and meditate…God’s 

Word is alive…and He speaks to each heart the lessons we need to hear…from the still small voice to the thunder and lightnings…reminds me of the vistas along the coast highways…pullouts that never cease to be amazing…smooth beaches to crashing waves, mesmerizing…contemplating…

Thank YOU for the trips of life…in Your Word…

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17


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