Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Yucatan 5...,impressions of mine....

Yucatan 5... Impressions....

Multiplication....of souls bound for heaven, of smiles, seeds sown, lives reached, tears shed, prayers answered, miles travelled, young  lives touched...ministry shared ...generational bridges...

Quotes remembered....
Life as a I doing all that God has for me? Am I adding all that God wants to add? Marathon or fifty yard dash? Live  on earth as if we heavenly bound...go out as learners.  ...

What can I gain from the beatitudes ? Blessed because I know Jesus ...

Psalm 12: 
Teach us to number our days, so that we learn wisdom
Gives us perspective in life, steward of days and resources...each needs to be used up to date with the Lord...

Ephesians 2: gift of salvation . To do good works ...prepared...everything we do is preparing us for something else...he includes us in the blessings. Live our lives with a value in eternity ....generations...

What happens in our lives, matters in life...

A cool breeze each evening...cooling us, the spirit moving over us...refreshing us with truth and joy...

Simply painting a wall is worth a grandma's eternity...

Weeding yards costs some sweat and maybe some sun heat problems, but gains much Word seed in peoples' lives...

Hot soup on a hot day is like giving a cup of cold water to the hungry ....

Contentment isn't gained by riches...

Stick shelters and cinder block houses are easy to furnish with love ....

People don't need to speak the same language to communicate, especially children...

Chickens, turkeys, pigs and stray dogs are great welcoming committees ....

Waterless showers are great conversation topics well as "how cold was your shower  this time"?

Beautiful Flowering trees bloom in the most unexpected places, adding their beauty for surprising colors...

There are Christians everywhere, hidden and unhidden...

God's truth reigns.... 

There is a harvest of souls waiting for the truth...

It is good to learn a few phrases in the language of the country you are visiting, especially "thank you". We need to be grateful in all languages...

Toothbrushes and toothpaste make a very practical gift to take care of our earthly body, while the Word gives life and health to the soul...

Clean water is healthy, but the Water of Life flows freely for all people....

Luggage stickers and stickers catch the attention of various people....which can lead to the sharing of an "extra" Jesus Film dvd...

Birds in nightly chorus is wonderful background music to children's praise songs...

Thank YOU for saved lives, changed people, God charged people who are making a difference in the world...

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