Monday, March 14, 2016

Yucatan 1

Yucatan 1....What good thing?

 One of the first devotionals we had we we started this short stint into this path in the Yucatan peninsula was from the following scripture....

Jeremiah 3:40-41
 40 I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me. 41 I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul. 

Each day was started with a devotional and breakfast with a briefing of the day ahead, then a long bus ride to a designated little town or village to  set up equipment, pray, walk around with invitations inviting the Local residents to activities in the town "square". The activities included games for the children, Bible stories, handing out of toothpaste, tooth brushes, coloring books, a showing of the Jesus Film in their language, an invitation to accept Christ, and  a dvd of the Jesus film.   Sounds pretty simple .....but the planning for each event is immense...I was there just for the event itself and not the planning, nor the logistics, nor the follow up, nor the prayer that has gone Into this. Small part of God's kingdom ....

The first night, we arrived in a small town with a population of about 500. The rain was coming down In torrents, not part of the "plan"... The town "square" was a huge pad of concrete, where locals were playing  basketball.  A small building was offered for the movie showing. So the equipment was almost unloaded , but the man in charge of school building arrived with permission to use a room about 20 x 40, with some chairs. About 200 
 came to presentation , 75  raised their hands to accept a totally changed venue..pouring rain, crowded into a school building.

So my question to myself was, " What good thing do I expect God to do?"

It reminded me of the crowded home that Jesus visited...people packed into every well as waiting on the outside listening intently to the words spoken by Jesus ... Not wanting the miss A word  or even a touch....and. Along came some men whose faith wanted to help their friend...they torn the roof apart so that they could lower their sick friend down into the midst of the crowd to be healed, to get their friend to Jesus ...Jesus touched their lives in a miraculous way...and the man walked away a changed man, not only walking, but saved...
Just like these men, the obstacles didn't stop them...for the team, the rain didn't stop them, God opened doors to call the villagers to a vacant building  to hear His Word spoken to them in their Mayan, native language...healing their souls, changing hearts, planting seeds....

That was one good thing.....for me...each team member from the youngest 8 year boy who is giving out soccer balls to we older ones and all in between have their "good thing" remember, to think on...

Thank YOU....

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