Monday, March 14, 2016

Yucatan 2....

Yucatan 2.....what price a salvation?

We had the privilege of attending a local church for their services on Sunday  morning in a "local" town...I say local, everything is at least an hour and a half away from our Eco motel.

But, today the sun is shining, no rain in the forecast...different tests today...
Beautiful music in Spanish, Mayan, English...the Word spoken in Spanish, translated into English. Praise comes in all languages...just as the Word....

After the service, We are divided into groups, each assigned a translator, given paint, and yard equipment as well as a destination to a local widow's home.  There, we are to paint the front of the house or an interior wall, clean up the team painted the front of the house a bright blue, pulled weeds, racked the intense 12-2 heat of the day...I loved doing this, but really struggled with the heat for the next few hours...trying to cool down...

But, the price was small as the local pastor was able to lead the widow to the Lord as we her family listened for the price of some paint and some cleaning, one soul was entered the kingdom...

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

We later drove to a small village where most of the people turned out in the square for a beautiful, night of games, plays and the film...many showed their hands in acceptance of the Gospel of Christ...

" What good thing do I expect God to do?" 
His Word is strong...reaching to the lost in all nations, from the mud huts to the glass skyscrapers of the cities...nothing can thwart Him...He reached this widow in her cement block house with a can of paint and a yard rake....He loves....

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 
Thank YOU .....

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