Sunday, November 15, 2015

Excursions ....


On tours from various trips, cruises, tours there are side excursions .  Some are chosen by the participants and others are added by the tour guide.  Some are added for enrichment to the basic tour while others add fun and games. And as tour participants , we may or may choose to do any or all of the excursions ...

Yesterday, a friend and I arrived one day early to catch our tour. So we chose to add our own side trip... With Map and information in hand, we set out to go to local holiday crafts fairs...
Calling a taxi, we gave him the address of the biggest craft fair..he couldn't find it and finally with meter running, we asked him to let us off at a huge swap meet instead ....this one was set in a former drive-in space. Amid tents, open trucks, blankets, we found personal care items to used clothing to mounds of fresh fruits and veggies or care Asian cultural experience...

Then asking a variety of locals, we made our walking way to another side excursion. It turned out to be another swap meet, " bugs in the Park" a huge show of old VW beetles and vans.  So spiffed up and shiny, they stood in rows  for inspections and admiration...
asking other locals , we boarded a bus which finally took us to our original destination...the craft fair...well worth the wait, it was all we hoped for. Booths and booths of hand made articles and commercial ones as well, Asian food, music, and fun amongst the local neighborhood of people...what an excursion!!!!
We didn't go directly to our destination, but found enrichment in the side trips...
We may plan our lives with goals and plans, But the "taxi driver"  may have another  route to our destination...adding enjoyment, cultural experience, sometimes pain which adds to our life...we may not like  the route  or we may love it...they all add something to our lives...

The side  trips may include surgery, death, a new acquaintance, culture, family members, a wrong turn, a bus ride, and even swap meets in the middle of a drive in or a car show...

The Israelites went to Egypt because of a famine, left Egypt to claim a new land, went to Babylon  for discipline, returned to their land year later...

Jesus' earthly father took them to Egypt to safeguard his family and brought them back to a new home when safety was assured..

Paul took numerous trips to preach the gospel to peoples along the way....

Stephen rode with the Ethiopian to explain the gospel and baptize him nearby...

So many "excursions", so many "side" trips...or are they really??? God ordained moments to teach us lessons of life or just to enjoy the journey ...

Thank YOU for excursions you have allowed or planned just for me in me to be enriched by them no matter what they are...

Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart,but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. 

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