Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Motel rooms.....

Motel rooms...

Over the years we have stayed in a huge variety of motel rooms while traveling hither and yon...never in the high end ones to be sure... Just the everyday variety...from ones we questioned the cleanliness to suites... Ones whose bathrooms had mold growing around the tub to ones which used cards to turn on the electricity in China...ones where mice regularly visited to a whole suite built around a center hot tub with mirrored ceilings...

Our favorite in one town was an old auto court, with a huge room with beds and couches and the big treat, at the time, a swimming pool....we stayed there so many times it is hard to count...but it was in our budget...that was the primary consideration, plus the "luxury" of a pool.  Now, it seems, a pool and exercise room are standard fare...with wifi and breakfast provided...

Times have changed, but  I am still staying in motels here and there, as I travel to new and old places...I can't stay at my parent's home anymore, it has sold and they are gone...I choose motels where I feel safer as a single...the old auto court has gotten really old and run down...

But, they are all temporary well as our bodies ...temporary.....our bodies come in different shapes and sizes...from extravagant to plain and simple...we can dress them up, add accessories, but  they are pretty much the same...just like motel rooms...different colors...different personalities ...but pretty standard ...and they age with years of wear and tear.....

we look in the mirrors of time and there are usually big ones in the motel rooms...and see changes one jumping on the beds, or running to the single bathroom, or quickly dressing for the pool, single beds instead of multiple...years have passed in a blink of an eye...but the rooms are still pretty much  the same...we have changed. ...time has marched our bodies can attest...

Thank YOU for the provision over the years of rooms along our paths...from the mice infested ones to the extravagant ....from the wonderful old auto court to the fresh new ones...from the freezing cold ones to the over heated...all have added spice to our lives and memories unlimited...laughs and tears...

1 Peter 4:9-10 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

There are so many references to others offering hospitality throughout the Word, too numerous to give...

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