Sunday, July 26, 2015

Memory Lane...

Memory Lane...

Yesterday I drove past a street called "Memory Lane" as I was leaving a town which held a seminar...

I had just attended a Beth Moore seminar..."Feast the Soul".... I have never been to a live seminar with her before...she is so enthusiastic !  The music was so good as well ...

It was indeed a feast for the soul with her words proclaiming God's Word richly embellished with word pictures, examples, proclamations, invitations, was satisfying and encouraging ....

The "grain/bread, wine and oil" example she used  is found many places in the Bible, symbolizing the Word, gladness of heart and anointing...and we need all three for balance in our lives...

When I was looking up verses about these three items, I found this verse in Joel and enjoyed the promise..even though God is speaking to the Israelites, 
he speaks to me as well...

Joel 2:19a The Lord replied to them:“I am sending you grain, new wine and olive oil, enough to satisfy you fully.....

"Grain, new wine, and olive oil"....His Word, gladness of heart and anointing is for all ages ( even mine)... It never runs out, it satisfies fully...

That is what He promises of Himself ....He brings His word to my soul, His Gladness to my heart, His anointing to do His will and He keeps on giving...

Healing, joy, sending His Son for salvation, the Holy Spirit for truth and conviction...supplying all of our needs...fully...

So Memory Lane  was an appropriate  street to past leaving this made me reach for those past  teachings...those ancient Words which are everlasting again reminding me yet another day of God's love and care...
Thank YOU for speakers who remind us of deeper issues in our lives...your deeper words that touch our hearts again and again...reminders of You and Your care for us, Your feasts for our souls....

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