Friday, July 8, 2022

Christmas in July…already…

 Christmas in July….already….

School supply specials are starting crop up, summer sales are happening, fall decorations are getting  unpacked….Christmas is right around the corner…hummm,…I want to enjoy each season, but they seem to get crammed into one another quickly…always looking forward…

This week for me was Covid, Covid, coughing, coughing…I hadn’t experienced the bug firsthand these last 2 1/2 years, so it was my turn…it seems to be breaking out here whether or not you have been vaccinated….not fun, but being sick is not fun…

But, I was reminded of the Operation Christmas Child boxes from a friend who is in Colombia, South America right now with Young Life…

This was a particular encouragement gift to me while I laid up….

She met a young man who received a box I sent 10 years ago, made a short video of them, he had kept the letter and picture that was included in the box…and he said, “hi”. What a blessing!

For all the millions of boxes sent and distributed, he got mine and connected with a friend of mine…amazing…makes my heart smile…we don’t know the outcome most times for the gifts we are instructed to share…

My mind went to the popular song, “ thank you for giving to the Lord”…by Ray Boltz

“Thank You

I dreamed I went to heaven
And you were there with me
We walked upon the streets of gold
Beside the crystal sea
We heard the angels singing
Then someone called your name
You turned and saw this young man
And he was smiling as he came
And he said friend you may not know me now
And then he said but wait
You used to teach my Sunday School
When I was only eight
And every week you would say a prayer
Before the class would start
And one day when you said that prayer
I asked Jesus in my heart

Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am a life that was changed
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave

Then another man stood before you
And said remember the time
A missionary came to your church
And his pictures made you cry
You didn't have much money
But you gave it anyway
Jesus took the gift you gave
And that's why I'm here today

CHORUS (repeat)

One by one they came
Far as the eyes could see
Each life somehow touched
By your generosity
Little things that you had done
Sacrifices made
Unnoticed on the earth
In heaven now proclaimed

And I know that up in heaven
You're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure
There were tears in your eyes
As Jesus took your hand
And you stood before the Lord
He said, my child look around you
For great is your reward”

I digressed…sorry, just so heart warming and such a blessing to my soul..

Back to Christmas is July…or anytime of the year…if one chooses to do the Christmas boxes, which are collected in November, shopping throughout the year can be fun…

Now with school sales are pending, is a good time to look for school supplies which are appreciated the world over…

One of my favorite box fillers are the “shoes that grow” from “Because international “ , small solar calculators, crafts kits, sewing kits, socks, underwear, tee shirts, stuffed toys, cars, fishing kits, tools, toothbrushes, wash clothes, eating utensils…..

There are lists of suggestions on the website for the various ages…Pinterest as oodles of ideas as well.

Or if you don’t want to personally pack one, you can go to the website and choose what you want chosen and pay them to do it…

It does our hearts well to do something special for someone else…even with no expectation of a “thank you”…

Most important , write a note, send a picture…you never know what will happen….

Thank YOU for Your gift…Jesus…

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Hebrews 13:16 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:

1 Peter 4:10

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