Sunday, September 13, 2020




I had the awesome privilege to attend a second plane dedication this week for another Mission Aviation fellowship plane to be dedicated into service ...this one is going to Africa to replace one  aged out plane...

By second, I mean second for me...they do this periodically as needed...

The first one I attended was after my husband passed was dedicated to this one was a little bitter sweet...memories of the first dedication mixed with the new...

hearing the history of this plane was step after another ordered by God himself...all those puzzle pieces coming together to make the whole thing happen...

But, hearing from one of the future pilots was my highlight...he has flown for many  years the aged-out one and to have a replacement was wonderful...

One of the statements he made was alluding to the old plane  “sharing its experiences with the new” just just touched my heart...thinking that like Paul sharing with Timothy warnings and encouragement in ministry...

That older plane has seen hundreds if not thousands of flights, helping people is innumerable ways, bringing light and life to many ...

One quote by an African villager,  “ when we heard the sound of the plane, we knew peace was coming.”

If planes could talk, this one would, through its dedication to service, it could impart  so much to the new “plane on the block” is presently winging it way to Africa to take on its new life as a servant to many...

This imparting from generation to generation is so important.....I don’t do enough, nor do I know if anyone really wants to hear...but still I write...

My cousin sent a video dedicated to our grandfather that was a tear jerker of pictures and song...showing his influence and part on our was touching as well as the plane dedication...

Such legacies we have and ones we have the opportunity to give to others...can change the course of the world around us, big or little...but lives are touched ...thank YOU...

2 Timothy 

What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

2 Timothy 1:13-14

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