Monday, March 30, 2020

Looking for beauty...hope...

Looking for beauty...hope...

There are some some willows not far from here along a ditch bank in need a a trim job...growing profusely, greening up finally from the gray/brown of winter...

I know it seems like a little thing, but after the crocuses, the brilliant yellow forsythia, comes pussy willows...quickly emerging, then changing into leaved out spring green trees...another seasonal event to look forward to after the winter...

This year just as winter was beginning to wane, another “winter” of sorts hit....the silent, invisible virus taking nations to their knees, killing thousands, creating economic and emotional marches on with daily death counts, new rules of social order, a feeling of hopelessness, aloneness even in a world of instantaneous communications...

On my “allowed” walk, I picked some of those pussy willows, to me a sign of spring and place in my home...(another couple, keeping their “social distance “ asked where I got it)...they, too wanted that symbol of spring and hope in our upheavelled world...

As I contemplated this little act, I realized I was looking for beauty amongst the ashes...Something good from the bad...a visual picture...something to hold in my hand...a gift from my Father of hope...not that it isn’t in the Word...I read that every day, know it in the spirit...hope prevails as does His love...

But, every spring I look for those pussy willows, new life...after the winter...a gift to me personally...from the Father...( I have written in the past that my husband would find them and bring them as a simple gift in the spring to adorn our home, thank you, Don)...(my kids know I look for them...)

Hope can be in the unseen and hope can also be these days of unrest and unknown, we need it is there for the picking...there for the heart in the love...there for the soul in the Word...there for the mind in the Spirit....He is there, here surrounding us in His beauty with a hope for all eternity through His Son, Jesus...thank YOU...

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:5 

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31 

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