Sunday, March 31, 2019

Open my eyes...

Open my eyes....

I enjoy taking pictures...and with the newer cameras I can take lots of pictures...and then choosing the best and deleting the rest easily...not like the ones I grew up with where each took a picture, then you  had them processed and then choose...

I saved for my first camera with “green stamps” which were pre reward point basically ...various stores gave out stamps which we pasted diligently into little books, saving for a variety of products in gift books.  Our family took turns choosing their “gift”. Mine were the camera, bowls for my hope chest, a Cinderella watch and finally a whole set of stainless steel flatware.

But the camera was the first...I wanted to take pictures to record 
life events, trips which we took, over the years I have collected bins and bins of pictures which my family will have the “privilege “ of tossing...oh well...and I still have my parents pictures as well!

Anyway, that said, today I am taking a one day class taught by a photographer who travels the world...he has published books, videos, teaches classes, takes students on photo trips...I want my eyes opened more to the marvelous creation given by an amazing Creator ...and of all the timing, this is three days before I leave to visit the country of  Israel.

So I am praying that God open my eyes to see, but also, my heart to respond to walking the paths, seeing the sights that our Savior saw...feeling  the culture of places we visit...seeing scripture with new eyes from years of reading the Bible to touching the area where it was written...thank YOU...

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
Psalm 119:18

“Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus
To reach out and touch Him
And say that we love Him

Open our ears, Lord
And help us to listen
Open our eyes, Lord
We want to see Jesus”

Or “Open the eyes of my heart Lord “ by Michael W Smith 

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