Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Back on the track....

 Back to the track....

Yesterday I wrote about the signs on the walking track around the ship...

This morning I was imagining them as part of our story...

There is the starting line/point...a place of beginning....our journey through life all the way through to the finishing line...

We move forward, rarely turning back, (we can’t really turn back time, as the ships beauty consultants would have us believe)...there are bends in the track, there are slow signs, even traffic areas( I thought of these as adding family members to the mix)...

Stretching places here and there...faith builders

Signs of warning...(fasten shoe laces, slow down for curves)events that slow us down on the track either by our own doing or outside influences...

There are encouraging signs...keep the pace...believe, breathe, you are almost there...

Places to sit and enjoy the views as others jog by...those times when we need the rest...

There are life boats signs and actual boats, ladders to the sea...hopefully to save us...God has given us the choice of taking that saving way...or if the boat was sinking we having the choice of not entering in...I think of the story of Noah...

Lifejackets signs and supplies...we each get one...

This morning after three nights and two days at sea, out of the pre-sunrise darkness, lights appeared, as we passed a tall island...the 
Lights going up and up the side of the mountain...either mph twin top surprises along the way...or challenges set in the path...

There is a captain on whom we rely to safely set the course...plus a multitude of workers to care for each along the way...

There are game rooms, views as well...pleasures to enjoy...

Family and Friends to add joy and stress...prayer opportunities...conversations....those to help carry the burdens, as I see people in wheel chairs enjoying the journey as well...

Windows and railings to keeps us from falling

I am sure if each of us walked this track we would see other pictures of life...

Thank YOU for that story pictures You give us...

You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas, who formed the mountains by your power, having armed yourself with strength, who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the nations. 
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.
Psalm 65:5-8 


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