Thursday, June 4, 2015

Challenging times....

Challenging times.....

Welcome them, the author says....
Consider it joy, james says....
Perfect peace, Isaiah says....

Don't they know I am human?   That I want to worry, that I "need something to worry about?" To occupy my mind?  

Last night our small group prepared a meal for a church event.  Planned for 200 and about 125 was enough that we hadn't ever done this before, and then to have so much left overs...(they will all be distributed to local shelters today). It was a long day after much planning and hassle..then cleanup after that.  But the blessing of the challenge...God saw us through it, He gave strength, ability to plan with super planners, people to execute to pay for it...time to visit as well...time to nourish others and bless them with a meal...Time to reflect...

Trust through challenging times comes not just in meal prep for a 125  people...
It comes in family relationships gone bad, bad economic times, medical emergencies...the list goes on...each giving the opportunity to trust in God's strength, His power, His peace, His whispered word to our souls...His rest in Him...putting our lives in His hands...each passing day no matter what the circumstances are...we cannot do a thing without Him...

Thank YOU, God, for the 125 people that came for the dinner...that came for the church service...the challenge of the meal..Your care for each of us through the Challenging times...all of them...

"Jesus calling"--June 4

Welcome challenging times as opportunities to trust Me. You have Me beside you and My Spirit within you, so no set of circumstances is too much for you to handle.When the path before you is dotted with difficulties, beware of measuring your strength against those challenges. That calculation is certain to riddle you with anxiety. Without Me, you wouldn’t make it past the first hurdle!
The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My hand tightly and stay in close communication with Me. Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness. Regardless of the day’s problems, I can keep you in perfect Peace as you stay close to Me.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.
—James 1:2
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
—Philippians 4:13
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
—Isaiah 26:3

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