Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Gardens along the ways...16...postscripts....

Gardens along the way...16... postscripts....

This year as we are weathering through the storms of COVID-19 and cultural/social/political unrest, I have walked my neighborhoods in different directions....I have sunny routes for cooler days, shady routes for  hotter days...

I started this journey, just happy to finally get outside, viewing the spring as it progressed in varying degrees, growth in lives..not staying stagnant...getting rid of weeds in my lives, pulling out the refuse, cleaning out my heart...

Thankfulness of the beauty in so many ways that God has provided, even the abundance of garden produce and zucchinis...the hellos of strangers who walk the paths, the exercise and fresh air He has provided...the reminders of gardens past...the work in cultivation of life...
The “wildlife” that is so important, the bees, the birds and even the insects...

Fruitfulness...both in the gardens and life...

The thankfulness of years past...the gardens in countries visited for which I am so thankful...the gardens along the railways in China;the hillside terrace fields, worn paths from hundreds of years of cultivation by hand, no machinery in sight, pure man power;  the hidden garden of a Chinese grandma, among the tight quarters of the Hutongs of western China; the gardens in Australia, New Zealand, South America, Central America...exotic flowers and familiar ones as well; the fertile hills and valleys of Israel...land of milk and honey; the New England fall in it brilliant colors; the vast wheat fields across the heartland of America; the cotton fields of the south; the vegetable and fruit “basket” of California; tasting the fresh boiled salted peanuts from a peanut stand; the Hawaii luaus; the Mongolian winter vegetable cuisine; fresh Alaska salmon, barbecued on the beach; Maine lobster fresh from the bay; French tea in Quebec; ....the millions of pictures my mind stores of life , family, of gardens along the way...

The continual feast of the Word, the pictures, the words, the lessons of the Word which never grows old...a garden for the mind and soul...the cultivation, the weeding, the promises, the comfort, the encouragement, the songs to feed my spirit...thank YOU...for so very much...the gardens along the way...

Genesis 1...and it was good...
Psalm 119...
The whole Word...

 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:14-17 

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