Saturday, February 29, 2020

Live in our joy/joys...

 Live in our joy/joys....

“When we serve someone else, we’re too busy to think much on our own problems. Leastways, our problems don’t seem so big in comparison.”

Patience had always believed God never let their troubles go to waste, that He was always using them to bring about good, often in ways they couldn’t see.

“When we show kindness to someone, we never can know exactly how many lives that kindness may affect.

Jody Hedlund “The reluctant bride.” Bride ship series...

I read Christian novels at night...if I read anything informational, my mind doesn’t slow down and rest, new crafts, no news, no new recipes, no business, not even Christian helps/devotionals...pure fiction...

I captured these few quotes and  typed them out quickly to save for later the other night...when I could think through them...

Then this devotion popped up this morning for our perusal...God’s  unfailing love...His work in our lives, His promises, His Joy, His kindness, His Character...and soo very much more...

Thank YOU for your unfailing love toward us...

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