Saturday, November 2, 2019

“ I go into brothels once a month...”

“ I go into brothels once a month...”

This statement out of the mouth of  a quiet, seventy year old pastor’s wife usually stumps as well interests listeners...we are attending a CRU global meeting in AZ...introducing ourselves around the table...”what would you not know about me”...each having uniquely interesting facts about themselves or what ministries they have been involved in...

What a delight to meet people from all over world whose vision for spreading the Gospel exists In so many dimensions...from the nomadic Mongolians to the digital highway ....goals of planting 5 million churches, translating the Bible into as many mother tongues as there are...working in brothels to national leaders, gears to palaces, hand held devices to meetings of thousands...all so that “none should perish” not having the Word of Hope...God is on the move no matter churches are shut down in some places, many spring up to take their place...Christian organization seeing the need to work together putting aside “territorial “ ideas...all for the cause of Christ...not trying to change culture, but giving the “whosoever “ the chance to eternal salvation.

We can all play a part of this monumental movement that has been going on through the years...prayer, giving, person at a time...there is a place for everyone...becoming aware of those next door,  across town, on the streets, in high places, in the low places, on foreign to us soil, everywhere there is life...and a soul...

Thank YOU....

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:16-17 

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