Monday, November 4, 2019

Global strategy....

Global strategy....

I don’t know about you, but I tend to get focused on the places closest to me...oh, I read the paper, watch some news, but my daily world seems to stay close...

So, with intentional short trips to various places with a few Christian ministries, I love to get the big picture of what they are doing...but, mostly what God is doing throughout the world ...whether in Bible translation, sharing the gospel, church planting, gift boxes, digital media... the Word is being proclaimed to every nation, tribe, culture in some well as next door...

I love to see the connections of ministries working together, forming with God a formidable force of taking down the walls, barriers that the enemy has erected...nothing, no one can stand against God...He is on the Move worldwide

A song...”who can stop the Lord Almighty...who can stop the Lord...” comes to mind, when I listen to these reports.

I just returned from one of these meetings...
Phases that stood out for me, from the many outstanding speakers...movers and shakers of the gospel...

  • with pain comes fulfillment...
  • It is time to sing your song...
  • How can God use you even more...
  • Steward, manage the affairs of the Master...
  • Spiritual multiplication with partners...
  • Glorify God with whatever we are given...
  • A church for every 1000 people worldwide...
  • How can the 2 billion Christ proclaimers share with the 5 billion non proclaimers to fill heaven?
  • How can digital media effectively reach those who cannot openly fellowship or those who are tuned into the media
  • Celebrate what God has done, don’t live in regret...
  • Believe in God for something that is impossible...
  • Teach us to number our days...
  • How can I bless the kingdom...
  • Success is being obedient, faithful...
  • Many times we have to dig down to go up...a firm foundation...
  • The many references in the Bible that say, “but, God...” when we only see a little ways...he sees the whole picture...
  • No one is ever hidden enough to not be found by God...
  • Risk to set free...
  • Live celebrating the Joy that only Christ gives, celebrating salvation...

These gatherings exist to encourage, enlighten, expand our limited facilitate giving with meaning and intent...whether with funds , prayer or talents...

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25

At this last seminar, we finished with the song, “Is He Worthy?...beautiful....thank YOU...

[Verse 1]
Do you feel the world is broken? (We do)
Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do)
But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through? (We do)
Do you wish that you could see it all made new? (We do)

[Verse 2]
Is all creation groaning? (It is)
Is a new creation coming? (It is)
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? (It is)
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? (It is)

Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave

[Refrain 1]
Is He worthy? Is He worthy
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy of this?
He is

[Verse 3]
Does the Father truly love us? (He does)
Does the Spirit move among us? (He does)
And does Jesus, our Messiah, hold forever those He loves? (He does)
Does our God intend to dwell again with us? (He does)”

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