Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Some names of God, personalized...

Names is God personalized...

Gleaned from another woman on the same journey...
Powerful, personalized...

Thank YOU that You are so much to "whomsoever will"...

"Some of the Names  and Attributes of God"

Lord, I praise you for who you are ...for great is the Lord and Greatly to be praised, your love endures forever!

You are the King of Kings,
The Lord of LORDS,
the Everlasting Father,
the Prince of Peace,
The Great I AM,
You are the Eternal,
You are Immanuel,,,God with us,
You are the Resurrection and The Life,
 You are the Way, the Truth and the Life!!
You are the Holy One of Israel,
The Most High God,
The Lord of Hosts,
You are the God above all gods,
You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
You are Jehovah,
Jehovah Jireh...our Provider,
Jehovah Nissi...our Banner,
Jehovah Rophe...our Healer and great Physician,
Jehovah Tsidkenu, our Righteousness,
Jehovah Shammah...The God who Is,
Jehovah Shalom...The God of Peace,
Jehovah El Roi...The God who sees and watches over us!
You are Yaweh, Yeshua, Elohim...Strength and Power,
You are El Shaddai... The Lord God Almighty,
You are Adonai...our Lord,
You are The Alpha and Omega... The Beginning and the End,
You are the Vine,
You are the Branch out of the Root of Jessie,
You are the Vinedresser!
You are The Good Shepherd,
You are the Lamb of God, who takes away the Sin of the world, for worthy is the Lamb that was slain!
You are the Lion of Judah!
You are our Covering,
Our Hiding Place!
You are the Helmet of my Salvation,
The Breastplate of Righteousness,
The Belt of Truth,
The Shoes prepared with the Gospel of Peace,
The Shield of Faith, the Sword of the Spirit!
You are the Spirit of the Lord,
The Spirit of Wisdom,
The Spirit of Understanding,
The Spirit of Counsel,
The Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of the Lord,
You are the Spirit of Truth,
You are the Lily of the Valley,
The Bright and Morning Star,
The Rose of Sharon,
The Star of David,
The Light of the World,
You are the Blessed Hope,
The Righteous Judge,
You are our Rabbi,
our High Priest,
You are the Word,
You are the Word of God,
You are the Living Word of God...sharper that any two-edged sword,
Thy lamp is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path!
You are the Almighty One,
You are All Powerful,
you are All Glorious,
Full of Grace and mercy,
You are the Servant of All!
You are the Trinity...The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit,
You are the Father to the fatherless,
The Defender of widows,
You are the Omnipotent Father,
You are my own dear Abba Father,
Faithful Father,
The Eternal Father,
All Compassionate Father!
You are our leader and guide,
Our Wonderful Counselor,
Our Teacher,
You are our Comforter...the God of all Comfort...
You are a Very Present Help in time of need,
You are Omnipresent...God is everywhere,
You are our Advocate,
Our Mediator and Protector!
You are Jesus the Christ,
Our Saviour,
Messiah, Creator,
 and Friend,
our Shield and Defender,m
TheAncient of Days!
You are the Rock,
You are the Rock ofour Salvation,
You are the Foundation,
The Cornerstone,
The Door,
You are the Master Carpenter and Builder,
Our strong High Tower,
You are our Refuge and Strength,
Our Fortress,
Our Deliverer,
You are Worth to be Praised,
You are Majestic is Your name in all the earth,
You are my Kinsman redeemer,
You are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control....
You are the Lord God Almighty,
The Author and Finisher of our Faith,
You are the King of Glory!
Lord, you are all of this and so much more! You are an Awesome God!  What a joy to know You and to know that we have all Eternity to worship and praise you!

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