Friday, March 2, 2018



Reading through  Exodus 36+, I was again amazed at the plans that God had for these people to design His tabernacle...he had people already in place to design and execute his plans for this huge project...

Not only that, the Egyptians gave to the project as the Israelites left Egypt which the Israelites gave until there was a call to stop giving...the provisions were there...poles of acacia wood, gold for coverings, linen for weavings...stones for decoration...goat hair for fabric, skins, bronze, talents...all was provided before hand...for a project they didn't know they were going to do....

Looking back over the years, I can see where God has done exactly the same thing in my life, put various people in place for a specific event of project...provided the materials, the funds or ideas or all of it to be executed as He brings about a measure of trust that He will continue to do so in the may look different, be for different circumstances, whatever, but the plan is still there...provided and designed ...if I will listen and be obedient to the call..

Nehemiah had it, Boaz's extra grain, the Kings' gifts to Joseph and Mary....provisions for a journey or project...each supplied at just the right time to the right people...thank YOU...

Exodus 36-38

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