Tuesday, March 6, 2018

An old friend ....

An Old friend...

Awakening suddenly, I recalled my dream about an old friend, Stormy.

I had been dreaming about Stormy, but in a context that was I was perplexed where in the world did my mind come up with such a scenario...many friends were trying to escape from something, we were hiding, waiting for the perfect time to escape...but my horse of my growing up years came, pulling a wagon in which we were to ride...we boarded, she pulled us up this  long hill and then died... What a downer...

Stormy had been raised by my dad on the ranch were he worked...I rode her from kindergarten through third grade...she was trustworthy, faithful and such a good worker and pet...
then we moved, my father taking another job in a different part of the state...Stormy stayed on at the ranch where she belonged..

On day when I was in my teens, my dad got a phone call asking if he would like to have Stormy as they were retiring her due to cataracts...he said a resounding "yes!". So he and I drove our old truck with racks on the sides to go get her...what a sight we were...Stormy had goggles on, watching over the old wooden racks as we drove the 500 hundred miles to her new home and retirement...
we rode many miles together even though she could only see out of one eye...she was still trusting, faithful and a great pet... Now she was trusting us to take care of her...but she trusted us to ride her where she wouldn't stumble...then one day, she laid down and died...is was a downer day...

And here was this dream 50 years later where she starred as our rescuer ...and still gave her life...

Where had that come from? I don't know...but it was fun to remember those days of riding with the wind, either when I was really young or a teen...special times with my dad herding cattle, having a special horse friend, riding as a teen with other friends...most gone now ...God has been good along the path He gave me...thank YOU...

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1

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