Friday, January 5, 2018



It has been cold, cold, cold where I live day after day...not as cold as the northeast with their blistering sub zero days...and I keep a list of places on my iPhone with their weather...all are cold except a friend near South Africa...

I keep, saying, " it is winter, after all, chin-up and bear it..." But, my body is still cold...

The Bible, having been written in the Mideast, has few references to the coldness of winter, not that the Author wasn't aware of different temperatures around the just wasn't part of that culture as much...
And even now, seeing pictures of that part of the world, they rarely have down coats, mittens, or heat saving is just warmer...

And trekking through the desert with Moses, their "sandals didn't wear out nor their clothes" warmer than we have ...

Paul and friends must have needed a cloak as he asked for it in one of his letters...but I imagine the dungeons may have been a little cooler as well as damp and dark...

More talk is about seasons of harvest, rain for crops, etc.
Plus, snow is spoken of in reference to our sin being taken away and we would be as white as snow...

But, the bitterness of the cold is hard to be I would liken it to the hardness of heart, bleakness, iciness toward the Word, whether that is Jesus or the very Word of God...both of which bring life, truth, comfort to our lives which may have been frozen in worldly values, pain and suffering...

From winter of life to the growth of beginning, new life...thank YOU...that you bring life...even in the winter of times...


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