Monday, January 15, 2018

Joy in the overwhelming...

Joy in the overwhelming....

My oldest son described going to a professional  football game was their Christmas Present...their team lost...but, he teared up describing his families pure joy of the just being there, the overwhelming ambiance of the whole experience...

Another son, sent pictures of his children playing "ice hockey " on their ice covered in the moment...

My oldest daughter sent a picture of her youngest in shorts, no shirt, walking around in "flappy" shoes (flip flops) totally enjoying the moment....

My other daughter sent pictures of her dog reclining, cuddling with her...

Big and little events that give us joy in the moment, but we are overwhelmed by the feelings of pure gratitude...

As I drove to church, this song played...
Overwhelmed by Big Daddy Weave, YouTube ...

It reminded me of these four scenes in life...or times recently that I looked out over the sea at a glorious sunrise or sunset, or the beauty of the tropics, or the beauty of hundreds of butterflies, or the amazement of monkeys running around and hopping on my shoulder..., the delight of watching  my grandchildren enjoying life...the lessened pain from a cancer procedure, the timing of God in his blessings in another's life, a thank you video from the other side of the world...the home going of a fellow journeyer...complex or simple things in life that can touch our hearts in a deep, deep way...and I am overwhelmed with joy, thankfulness...that is sometimes without words...

If I, a mere human, can derive delight out of big or little things, how much more God must delight in our joy...He after all, made us ...He delights in us...and He has millions in which to see joy in the overwhelming...

Thank YOU...

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.
Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy.
Psalm 107:21-22

Rejoice always,
pray continually,
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him.
Mark 9:15

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