Thursday, November 10, 2016

Spiritual lineage....

Spiritual lineage....

Ever since I wrote about "convergence" I have been thinking about spiritual lineage and then this morning, the writer of a Bible study brought up the term we can look back in our parental and bloodlines and see our spiritual lineage, but also all the people who were instrumental in our lives, who taught, encouraged, challenged, loved, prayed, etc...who were involved in our lives to bring us to the point where  we are currently....who encourage us to move forward.....

I remember sitting at a little children's table, probably about 2nd or 3rd grade, memorizing the 23rd Psalm for a prize of my own Bible (I still have that first Bible), singing "Jesus loves Me" with my mother in front of church when I was about 6 years old...those first stirrings/memories that church was important, that God's Word was worth working for, reading, knowing...that teacher who took time to instill in children's lives a love and desire to know God...that mother who taught me children's songs about Jesus' love....

So many others through life, Bible Study teachers, pastors, critics, friends, books, family members, correspondence schools, seminaries.....multitudes....who knowingly and unknowingly pointed my heart, mind and soul in His direction...mentoring...encouraging ....being a light in dark times...joyful in the good times...wrapping me in arms of love in hard times...sharing tears of joy and sorrow....

In application, am I doing the same for those who enter my sphere of I entering other people spheres for good...encouraging them in their walk, being a part of their spiritual lineage? I, who have been entrusted with much, am I giving freely of that trust???  Oh, please, God, open my eyes to those whom you have purposely put in my life, my offer what you have offered to me...thank YOU...

Job 37:5 God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.

1 Thessalonians 2:12 encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.

Matthew 10:8b ......Freely you have received; freely give.

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