Tuesday, December 12, 2017



I am watching a friend enter the same tunnel I did 6 years ago...listening to her cries, her pain...and the petitions for a miracle...the wonderful family closely surrounding them with love and concern...we are sisters in life...

My husband's best friend, the one who performed his memorial services, the one who listened, counseled, hunted, laughed, encouraged, etc. since college days...they talked often, kept in touch, commiserated with one another over Bible issues, bears, caribou, fishing, children and probably wives for forty plus years...

I yell in my soul...this can't be happening again, not to these people...not to another faithful servant...I cry in the silence of the early morning hours...watching the repetition....that tunnel where you wonder if the light at the  end is another train or the light of day....God, You are there, aren't You...

Looking the some of the Psalms...
3:5  I lie down and sleep...I wake again because the Lord sustains me...
4:8 I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety..
23:2  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,


"His love endures forever" repeated over and over in the psalms ...100:5,
106:1, 107:1, 117:2, 118, 136...


"Do not be afraid" from the beginning to the end of the Bible...

Loving endearments that hold us in the hard times, through laughter and tears...giving us peace when the world crashes  around us...when the storms of life gather like black clouds or hurricane winds sweeping us into places we really don't want to go...repeated...

Peace, peace, He whispers to our souls...and we hang on for dear life, not realizing sometimes that He is carrying us in infinitely strong arms...and we just need to lay back and rest...He is the sustainer...the comforter...

Thank YOU...you give us our days...

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