Saturday, December 2, 2017

"Farewell " tour....

"Farewell" tour ....

Last night I attended the "farewell to Nampa" tour of the Patrick McManus presentation by Tim Behrens.

"This will be the last show that Tim will perform in Nampa for a while. Seating will be at tables in the grand room at the Center, and finger food will be available, as well as a no-host bar. Not only will the show feature the favorite stories of Pat and Tim, but Tim will also regale you with Tales from The Road and 25 years of touring!"

The venue was packed to capacity, with tables and chairs, chairs around the was like sitting in a room with old friends, those who have read, shared, loved and laughed at the stories of Patrick for years...unforgettable stories that we read to ourselves, to our children and now grandchildren...

As a family, we would read the books as we travelled the highways back and forth to grandparents, taking turns reading and laughing...along with the "little house on the prairie" and James Herriot's veterinarian adventures...reading them at night before bedtimes as well...what enjoyable memories...I can even picture Jesus sitting at the table enjoying the humor of their stories...

We first attended one of these presentations when our children were in school, elementary, junior high and high school.  We came out with aching cheeks from laughing so that time Patrick travelled with Tim and signed books.  Now Patrick, 85, has retired from writing and traveling  with Tim...

These are the pleasant memories of laughter fun...times  you cherish...added Into the years of growing up...before scattering as adults...the year go so quickly...but, laughter is good medicine...and good for the soul...

Thank YOU for the talents of these men who so shared their lives with so many others through the written word and one man plays...You give us joy in so many ways...

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.
Ecclesiastes 3:4,12-13

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