Saturday, July 8, 2017

No message selected...

No message selected....

When I open up my email, the first screen says "no message selected". So then I have to go to the "inbox" and up pops the messages that have accumulated...

It was a reminder that God is always speaking, but I may not be listening or looking for  his messages...I have to tune my heart to hear those messages he wants me to have...

I have the choice to "delete", read, answer, forward...each message in my "inbox" each day...just as I may choose to listen to God's speaking...

But there are consequences in each choice......and i need to consider each...prayerfully...

Thank YOU that you always have a message for me...
Help me to choose wisely, not "deleting" and going my own way...

Psalm 138:2 I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame.

Proverbs 1:5 let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance—

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

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