Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A friend..


A friend…

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord (Psalm 112:7 NIV)

WITH A HEAVY HEART I must share that Jan passed away September 9 from a very aggressive cancer and is now free of pain and in the presence of Jesus. Three months ago we were happily hiking in Yosemite. On July 6 she experienced pain from a compression fracture in the back and began pursuing treatment. Through CT scans and eventually a bone marrow biopsy a few weeks ago, we learned she had stage-4 cancer. This has been very sudden. Jan completed my life and deepened my soul and will be missed by the many people she touched. 

THANK YOU for your prayers for me, my kids and grandkids

I usually hear from these friends about once month, their adventures, their travels, their highs, their lows…but this summer has been unusually quiet… their lives have been totally sold out to the Jesus Film project all over the world…my summer has been pretty quiet as well, trying to do what doctors have prescribed either in the hospital or rehab….

My husband and I have known them at least 20 years….I went to the Yucatán peninsula to share the Jesus Film with them…we have gone to conferences with them , eaten with them, we knew mutual friends in far away places , visited and had long talks with them….kept informed about the spread of the gospel through the film and Jesus Film partners…

Then this letter…this verse…their life directions…and we count our days as blessings…

Thank you, Jan and Steve…

Thank YOU for your direction, care…


Thank You..

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