Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The gates...

 The gates....

Ezra has come to rebuild the temple and now, later, Nehemiah has come to inspect and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem....

First, addressing the heart issue, the center...then rebuilding life..the walls that surround

The people are returning, as promised, to their country from their exile to a foreign land...wanting to rebuild their beloved city, first with the temple of worship and then their safety amid much turmoil...guarding their work while the culmination of finishing the rebuilding in  a record amount of time... to the dedication...

From prayer and fasting to completion...

These following articles are so interesting about the much history, meaning ....

There are so many times in life, we receive bad news as Nehemiah did...we stop, evaluate, pray, maybe fast...seeking directions, wisdom, counsel...move forward to address the through the problem head on...incorporating others in the solution...Until the issue may be conquered, as in building the wall as Nehemiah did with much help...

It can be health, grieving, college/job applications, business, life decisions and more...there may be “battles” along the may not be done in record time...but the path is rebuilding....whatever issue that it  may be...

Nehemiah had  clear direction...clear thinking...a clear goal...

Ours may not be so clear at times and sometimes very may seem insurmountable...but, step by step, stone by stone, word by word, task by task,  the goal is reached... 

Until jubilant, we see it finished...thank YOU for this short book of example of answers to prayer...examples of gate meanings ...Your Word is as good today as when it was written...

The book of Nehemiah ....

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