Sunday, April 7, 2019

It is time to write....capernaum...

It is time to write....

I sit on the 19 th floor in Tiberias, overlooking the Sea of Galilee....some mornings a mist covers the sea... haziness covering the mystery of area....but yesterday it was crystal clear as we stepped aboard a wooden boat to cross to a kibbutz along the other side...

The owner/captain of the boat is a messianic Jew who sang praise songs in Hebrew and English.... as we glided peacefully on glassy water....

Tears began to flow from heartfelt praise and deep thankfulness....awe that we were stepping on places that our Saviour stood, walked, healed, comforted, confronted, blessed, taught...not to worship the place but the deep sense of fills your soul...

We viewed an ancient boat they call a Jesus boat, it’s called. Found and Brought out of the sea, preserved from Jesus time.... like one he may have sat in and taught the multitudes...,his voice carrying across the water, teaching of the kingdom...

Then on to Capernaum...Nahum’s village, the village of the “comforter”, how fitting the Jesus started his ministry here...we sat under a tree on stone benches, on the edge of the Galilean sea, soaking in the word of a Hebrew Christian pastor...exhorting to dig deep into the Word...find what God is saying to each of us...
 ( under a close by tree sat another group, chanting ritual songs and sayings, covered with ornate vestments, complaining that we were preaching about Jesus!)

Whom do we serve?  How do I serve? Am I digging deep? Do I trust? 

A living Creator. Who loved us so much that he sent his son....thank YOU...

Lord, let this land, this light, this :Savior permeate my soul to it depths...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:1-5 

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