Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Walking away….2…

 Walking away …2…

I can remember the place where I first heard Laura Story’s song, “blessings “ for the first time…I had to pull the car over, catch all the words and then find the station and find out the name of the song playing, all the while crying…

I was driving back to our apartment after leaving our home…had been on a slight break from 24 hour care of my husband.

We hadn’t been able to return to our home after his cancer treatment…too big, too many steps…so I was “puttering” at “home…”

We/I never again moved back there…my family and I cleaned it out a few months later when our family came back for his memorial service…and I moved closer to family…now it is the the hands of other ministry minded people…a gift to many…

But, the song brought sorrow and tears as well as reminders that all of our “blessings” may not be what we plan or expect…


“Walking away....

Time to walk away, knowing that this is God's will....the house is in another’s ministries hands. Others are being raised up....the office is moving forward...things are sorted, packed...tossed. ....tagged.....waiting their next destination....

I don't know why this route...but help me not to look back and become a pillar of salt because of longing, but to hold dear the things to hold dear, let go of the things to let go...to not be afraid to cry when needed, to laugh when my heart rejoices… to hug when I need a hug or those around me do…to be thankful in all things even when it is hard....to take time to heal...to take time to enjoy others… to find the next path. ...to find  the right way.....to listen… to pray.....to persevere......to add to life rather subtract......to be a friend.....to be a Mom.....to be a grandmother.....just to be.....

Knowing that You, the creator of all, know all things from the beginning to end....You know the destination, the path....the way....
Thank YOU.... 


 Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

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