Friday, February 23, 2018

Counting off...

Counting off...

The book of Numbers starts with the tribes taking a census of the number of men available to serve in an each tribe counts, coming up with their number...then they are arranged by groups when they are encamped...each assigned to a certain place and order...

The Levites are not in the army count, and must encamp around the tabernacle...their job is to take it up and down, as well as carry it...not any other tribe...

When two of my children went on a summer mission trip with Teen Missions International and now some of my grand children, they each came home with the "count off" "habit".   Let's "count off" they would say, when we needed some order...and we did it sometimes when we were traveling ....each person assigned a number to say, so that we knew we had everyone...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, created some semblance of order and humor in the "chaos" of family life...

God is a master of order...not confusion ...

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
1 Corinthians 14:40

I have asked myself this question a multitude of times over my life..."is this __________ causing confusion?, if so then it is not from God" has kept me on track many, many times...

Thank YOU for your order in life...your clear directions both in the deserts and good the past, present and future....

Number 1,2

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